Why Print Doesn’t have to Cost the Earth

Why is Going Green Important to the Printing Industry and Our Customers?

In the last few decades, terms like ‘going green’ and ‘environmentally friendly’ have become mainstream. Not so long ago, companies supplying alternatives that are less harmful to the environment were the exception. In recent times, greener products have become not only desirable but are considered essential for many industries.

Our planet’s ability to sustain all life is founded on delicate ecosystems and resources. With care, our planet will continue to be a pleasant home for the human race and all other species of plants and animals. But, if we don’t start to take care of the world around us, we’re going to run into big problems in the not too distant future.


What Can We Do?

The enormous scale of the environmental impact of our emissions and waste is now clear for all to see. If we continue with the same habits, global climate disaster is no longer a case of if, it’s just a case of when. This wake-up call means that people and businesses worldwide are now taking all the steps they can to protect our planet so that it can continue to support life for many centuries to come.

To avert an environmental disaster, experts say that we need to cut our emissions to zero by 2050. This means that every single one of us needs to be on board and ready to make changes. We need to develop new ways of thinking concerning the way we live and the way our businesses operate.


Printing and the Environment

Of course, this applies to the print industry as much as any other. It’s no secret that the inks and substrates used in printing processes are all too often damaging to the environment. There is also a huge amount of waste involved in many situations where print is involved. For example, after exhibitions, signage and printed POS campaigns produce waste that has to be disposed of. Given the high amount of plastic used in traditional substrates, this waste has very often been non-recyclable. In other words, it consists of plastics that will be around in landfill sites for hundreds if not thousands of years.


Affordable Alternatives that Reduce the Environmental Impact of Your Printing

But, the good news is that many companies, including Design Xpress, are committed to making sure the products we supply give our customers a choice when it comes to reducing their impact on the environment.

The manufacturers of print substrates are working hard to find affordable solutions that don’t compromise on quality. Keeping up with industry innovations and sourcing new, greener products all the time means that we’re at the cutting edge when it comes to the products we offer.


Recyclable or Reusable?

Some products simply can’t be manufactured to be recycled. When this is the case, the industry has focused on creating products from materials that can be reused instead. We carry a range of products made from reusable resources when recycling isn’t an option.


Print Substrate Recyclability vs Durability

One of the major considerations for many of our customers when it comes to deciding on a greener print substrate is the question of durability. Earlier substrates labelled as kinder to the environment were often compromised when it came to how long they would last and what level of quality they could maintain over time.

Recent innovations mean that today’s recyclable and greener alternatives have improved durability and print surface quality. Whether you’re looking for a product suitable for short term or long term applications, we have affordable products designed to meet your requirements.


Ask us for Advice on Greener Printing

With manufacturers bringing new solutions to the market all the time, Design Xpress can now offer customers a choice when it comes to selecting products that are kinder to the planet. We can advise on greener alternatives for your business to help you make the best decisions for all your printing needs. Contact us today.


Going Green May be Easier than you Think…

The print industry is pouring a huge amount of resources into finding greener print substrates. Environment-friendly ranges are growing all the time. With more products now available than ever before, the decision is now down to you. We may not have as much time as we’d like to when it comes to reducing the negative impact of climate change, waste and harmful emissions but we can choose to act now and make a difference.